Sandra Built Her Own House - On Wheels
A simpler life, closer to nature, has always been Sandra's dream. Her house is designed to allow both off-grid living and connection to electricity. In just 18 square meters, she has managed to fit everything she needs - even a small bathtub!
Living in a house on wheels
Sandra, 30 years old, works every day as a building engineer and is also a trained yoga teacher, blogger, and writes articles for the magazine Kloka Hem. She lives with her cat, Sture, in Österlen in her self-built Tiny house - on wheels. Living in 18 square meters can be challenging at times, but Sandra mostly describes it as wonderful. It requires that everything has its place, which might not suit everyone.
- I think it's the same with houses as with clothes; one size doesn't fit all - and the need for space can of course vary throughout life. But for me it feels perfect!
The love of Tiny Houses
Sandra encountered the Tiny House concept over ten years ago and immediately fell in love. Since then, she's wanted to build her own.
- There's so much that appeals to me about these houses - partly that they are small, which means less space to clean, heat and maintain, while less resources are used to build them. The concept fits so well with me and my lifestyle.
Sandra believes the best part is the freedom - both financially and because the house can be moved. This saves her time, energy, and money for what truly matters to her. Thanks to her small house, she can work part-time and live close to nature, something she has longed for over the years.
To build the house
After the end of a long-term relationship, Sandra decided it was time to pursue her dream of building her own Tiny House. She started sketching plans, doing research, and saving money. After 1.5 years of preparation, she was ready to start building, and the construction took another year and a half.
Finding space for everything you need in such a small area may seem difficult, but it becomes easier if, like Sandra, you think of a Tiny House as a bit like a Swiss army knife - where you can fold out and create different functions as needed.
- I thought a lot about how I live and which functions and surfaces are important in my everyday life. I wanted to create a feeling of space and openness, have lots of hidden storage as well as a place where I could practice yoga.
Thanks to Sandra's profession, she had a lot of theoretical knowledge, which naturally made things easier for her. Her practical experience was minimal when she started building, but throughout the process, she learned a lot and gained a deeper understanding of construction - something that now benefits her in her job.
- The two hardest things were dealing with technical installations (like electricity, plumbing, heating, and ventilation) and doing so much on my own. At times, it felt overwhelming to handle such a big project by myself. I did about 90% of the work myself, taking on the roles of architect, buyer, project manager, carpenter, roofer, painter, plumber, chimney fitter, and more.
- The most fun part was designing and building my home from scratch, just the way I wanted it, and choosing all the materials and finishes. I've learned an incredible amount during the journey, and the process has helped me grow in many ways. It’s incredibly satisfying to have built my very own Tiny house. At the same time, it’s been fun working with so many different materials, tools, and techniques.
Tiny as a toilet solution
It’s completely understandable that a Tiny House requires a small toilet. Every square meter is important and carefully planned to accommodate the necessary functions. From the start, Sandra knew she wanted a small, practical, and stylish urine-diverting dry toilet that also runs on 12V. As of now, Sandra has been using the toilet for a couple of years and is very satisfied.
- Tiny met all these criteria, so it was an easy choice! It's quiet, odorless, and easy to empty. Personally, I appreciate the concealer screen, however you should sit quite far back with the weight evenly distributed over the seat for it to work optimally, but you quickly get used to it.

Neighbor with nature
After a decade of love for these small houses and sustainable living closer to nature, Sandra's dream finally came true. However, living as she does is not only about environmental and climate issues, but also about health and well-being. She wants to be able to manage both external and internal resources – in the form of time, energy, and money, among other things. The goal is to live in a way that nurtures the planet, body, and soul to their fullest.
- It’s a very special feeling to live in a house that you built yourself, where you chose every single detail and touched the smallest screw. I love my little house!
- One of the nicest things is how clear and present the weather, the elements, and the changing seasons become. Maybe it’s due to the limited space, fewer amenities, or the fact that I have nature right next to me. I fetch bottled water, open windows when it’s hot, and chop wood when the cold sets in.
Living a simple life isn’t always easy, and Sandra sometimes misses certain comforts. But the starry nights, the mist dancing over the meadow, and especially the tranquility make it all worth it. Sandra values the freedom of owning her home without being in debt.
After completing this fantastic project, Sandra has developed a greater taste for carpentry. She's built her own outdoor furniture since the house was finished, but that's only the beginning!
- In the long term, I'd like to build a small wood-burning sauna, a glassed-in balcony and perhaps renovate a cottage.
Advice from Sandra
- Start researching, get inspired and feel free to try living small/simply for a while.
- Create a vision board and a plan, with clear milestones and deadlines.
- Design the space according to your lifestyle and what’s important to you.
- Start now! Even if you don't feel ready (because you never are). Sketch, save money and clear the stuff.
- Choose the trailer with care. It should preferably be low and wide, have at least 2-wheel axles and handle high weight.
Want to see more?
- Instagram: sandrajunhammar
- Blog: sandrajunhammar.se