Composting the Waste FAQs
Frequently asked questions about composting the waste
Composting the waste from a urine diverting compost toilet is rather easy and we've gathered the most frequently asked questions here to help you get started with composting.
Below you'll find the most commonly asked questions about composting the waste from a urine diverting compost toilet. The answers are to be used only as recommendations and we advice you to to always check the local laws and regulations for composting with your local environmental office.
How do I compost the waste?
Composting is done in a separate composting bin. For composting four basic ingredients are needed:
- Carbon-rich materials (“browns”).
- Nitrogen-rich materials (“greens”).
- Water (moisture).
- Air (oxygen).
The waste from a urine diverting compost toilet is dry and it doesn't contain a lot of the materials needed for composting. Therefore it's recommended to mix different composting materials together. Blending household compost waste like kitchen waste, garden compost waste like leaves and grass, and solid waste from a urine divertign toilet gives a perfect base for composting. When composting toilet waste it's recommended to use two composters. Fill the first container to about three quarters and let it rest for at least 12 months without adding a new batch of toilet waste. During the resting period use another compost bin with the same rule. After the resting time you can mix the compost waste with soil and use it as a fertile base for plants and trees.
How long time does the composting take?
The key here is time. In compost toilets no composting happens within the toilet itself. The waste needs to be composted for at least 12 months without adding a new batch of waste. During 12 months the potentially harmful bacteria and pathogens in the waste are neutralised and the waste can be mixed with soil and used as a fertile mixture for plants. It's always recommended to check local laws and regulations regarding composting.
How long does it take for the compostable waste bag to break down?
There is no simple answer because the degradation time of the bag is affected by the biological activity in the soil or compost as well as the exposure to sunlight. Because the Separett biobags are designed to withstand the conditions in the container, the decomposition in soil or compost is slower than for a regular household composting bag. To speed up the composting of the waste it's recommended not to close the bag when adding it to the composting bin.