Save Your Water for Something More Valuable

Save Your Water for Something More Valuable

 "Water is our most valuable resource, we must use it more responsibly. We must balance all the water needs of society while ensuring that the poorest are not left behind" - UN Water

World Water Day 2020 is about water and climate change – and how the two are inextricably linked

Here are five changes we can all make today:

💧 Take five minute showers

Water scarcity already affects four out of ten people. With 80% of wastewater never being treated, taking shorter showers is a great way to save this precious resource (*1)

🥦 Eat more plant-based meals

Dietary changes, featuring plant-based foods and sustainable animal-sourced food, could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 8.0 gigatonnes a year of carbon dioxide equivalent (*2)

🧀 Don’t throw away edible food

An estimated 1/3 of all food produced globally is lost or goes to waste. Reducing your food wastage reduces demand on agriculture which is one of the biggest water consumers (*3)

💻 Turn off tech

Currently 90% of power generation is water-intensive. By powering down our devices when we’re not using them, the less energy needs to be produced (*4)

👖 Shop sustainably

A typical pair of jeans takes 10,000 litres of water to produce, equal to what a person drinks in 10 years. Sourcing our goods from responsible sources can have a big impact on the consumption of water and other essential resources (*5)

At Separett... 

... we provide waterless toilet solutions which means that as a Separett customer, you can focus on using your water for something more valuable than flushing away your waste with. Today, many people take the supply of clean water for granted where the biggest use for our toilets today is in places around the world where, for various reasons, there is a shortage of water or sewage. You can find our toilet solutions all over the world, from Nordic holiday homes to Chinese suburbs to slums in Peru. But in the future, maybe clean water isn't as taken for granted as it is for many people today? 

See all our compost toilets

By 2030, one of the United Nations global goals is to have Clean Water and Sanitation for all.
Feel free to watch the movie below for an insight into our nonprofit project with X-Runner and how they work for better sanitation and hygiene by installing our waterless toilets in Lima, Peru.

Take care
/ Team Separett

(*1) ActNow – UN campaign:

(*2) IPCC (2019), Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report:

(*3) FAO (2011):

(*4) UNESCO (2014), UN World Water Development Report: Water and Energy:

(*5) ActNow – UN campaign:

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